my car handles like crap
my car handles like crap
so a little while ago my car started handling poorly, like truck poorly. couldnt figure it out, i do this samer sweeping corner daily at 60+ miles an hour, limit is under 30! so i put my car on the hoist at work the other day, guess what i found. unheard of to me. the dang sway bar frame mount on the driver side is gone, but it just didnt leave by falling off, it cracked on both side mounts. so before i fix it, is this common on cars with really sticky wide tires doing major g force turns, and how do i beef this up so i dont crack it again????
I haven't seen any actually ripped from the frame, but I have seen a few in pretty poor condition. Jeff P has ripped them free, so this is what he did:
yeah mine cracked due to extreme pressure, im going to give that one a go, as well i shoud do some hiems end links under there too, maybe itll be able to set my caster up better too. those straps as he calls them are a joke, and clearly are prone to failure.
This is actually a very common problem on Z cars. The mounts are designed barely adequately for street driving. Any significant upgrade to the suspension, wheels, tires, etc. will dramatically increase the probability of failure. I usually weld on 1/8" thick mounting plates to beef them up on my race cars. I usually don't mess with the "street" cars, but I do check for signs of unusual stress whenever I check/change the brake pads.
yeah they are kinda thin straps, that guy built over kill ones, but i always do things in excess. maybe some 1/8 will work, just take one of my spare straps and make a template, ill need 4 anyways, after all i got 2 cars.
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