Ecu id
Did you even bother searching? It's a Jim Wolf Technology chip (which makes sense, since they supply the chips to Stillen, the company whose sticker was on the cover of your ECU)... and it's for a Turbo, 5-speed, with California emissions. What more do you need to know?
LMFAO If you were capable of finding any information at all, you wouldn't have asked here. My guess is that you weren't aware of anything... else, why would you even ask? Or do you routinely ask for help with things you already "know"? lol
Seriously... you found a Stillen sticker and a JWT sticker. A quick search would've told you that Stillen supplies JWT ECUs. Looking at the circled initials, you could've deduced Turbo (T), Manual (M for manual, A for automatic), California emissions (C for California, F for Federal). There is no more information to say about the ECU than what was available on the stickers you had already seen. Thus, you clearly didn't know what you were looking at.
Seriously... you found a Stillen sticker and a JWT sticker. A quick search would've told you that Stillen supplies JWT ECUs. Looking at the circled initials, you could've deduced Turbo (T), Manual (M for manual, A for automatic), California emissions (C for California, F for Federal). There is no more information to say about the ECU than what was available on the stickers you had already seen. Thus, you clearly didn't know what you were looking at.
Such comments roll right off my back when coming from someone arrogant enough to quote himself in every post.
When you wonder why this site has less traffic than oprah's ******, please refer to the above reply.
When you wonder why this site has less traffic than oprah's ******, please refer to the above reply.
Quality over quantity. We don't want retards posting - we want the meaningful questions that warrant responses. (Not "Hey, I found brand and information stickers all over my ECU but I don't know what they mean, so rather than search google and, I'm going to ask you guys to hold my hand and walk me through it.")
And that's my signature, genius. lol
And that's my signature, genius. lol
Would it make you feel better to know that you were schooled on ECUs by a 12 year old? If anything, you should be hoping I'm much older, so that you feel like less of a moron.
P.S. It's "you're" when you mean "you are," and mixing up words has nothing to do with spelling. Now you should really hope I'm older than 12.
P.S. It's "you're" when you mean "you are," and mixing up words has nothing to do with spelling. Now you should really hope I'm older than 12.
Last edited by ZLover4Life; 01-01-2011 at 01:01 PM.
It was too easy... I even pulled up's page saying "egotystical" doesn't exist and recommending "egotistical." But it's getting redundant... he's a moron, and it's just becoming a waste of my time pointing that out.