Wildman, and others interested...
Wildman, and others interested...
Saw this kid on the 20/20 special about web videos. It's on YouTube. I guess this guy is from Korea, and has been hit up by some major bands, MTV, and some good labels, and has declined all offers. Just doesn't want to be in the limelight, I guess, but he is an AWESOME guitar player. Guess the video is a bit old (1 yr), but it's still great!!
I am totally speechless, that kid is a friggin' guitar god!! I was glued to the screen the entire time, never took my eyes off his playing. Wow I would almost give anything to play that good, or remotely close to that good!!
There are not enough words to describe that awesome playing. I don't know what else to say. Makes me want to practice till my fingers literally bleed. And get better, if I do I will definately post myself playing. Damn that kid abso-friggin'-lutely ROCKED!!
There are not enough words to describe that awesome playing. I don't know what else to say. Makes me want to practice till my fingers literally bleed. And get better, if I do I will definately post myself playing. Damn that kid abso-friggin'-lutely ROCKED!!
Queen of Yachts
Joined: May 2006
Posts: 2,957
From: warmspott, trollville.......somewhere sailing the seas--fla, virgin islands...wherever....warm water....LOL
they only call the kids prodigies when they play piano or violin that way-----this kid can teach some of the musicians my age how to play!!!!!!
kid is beyond good........i hope that sometime in his life he gets over the insecurity that keeps folks away from the center of the stage when that kind of talent is so obvious-------i hope he feels the need to share with the world the sounds he is finding inside his soul.........
kid is beyond good........i hope that sometime in his life he gets over the insecurity that keeps folks away from the center of the stage when that kind of talent is so obvious-------i hope he feels the need to share with the world the sounds he is finding inside his soul.........
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